Degu Age
Survey Results


Here are the findings so far for our degu age survey. This will be updated regularly provided we get enough information!



Number of degus surveyed at last update: 58

Figure 1- This graph shows the age breakdown according to sex of all the living degus surveyed in 2004-2010
(Source: Degutopia 2004-2010, unpublished ongoing survey).

Current conclusions:
-The majority of degus surveyed are aged under 4 years.
-It is uncommon for degus to live longer than 7 years.
-More data is needed for conclusions to be drawn about sex-linkage.



Number of degus surveyed at last update: 19

Figure 2- This graph shows the age breakdown according to sex of all the deceased degus surveyed in 2004-2010
(Source: Degutopia 2004-2010, unpublished ongoing survey).

Current conclusions:
-More data is needed for before any conclusions can be drawn regarding mortality. Can you help?


Figure 3- This pie chart demonstrates the variation in cause of death of degus surveyed
(Source: Degutopia 2004-2010, unpublished ongoing survey).

Current conclusions:
-More data is needed for before any conclusions can be drawn regarding causes of death. Can you help?


You can help! Submit your data to us and let the research continue...


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